The Side Character has a Scholarship - Part 3 [Chloe]

I found a seat near the window and put down my food. It was a nice view of the oval and the landscape on the other side of the fence. I slowly ate my food and pondered about what I was going to do. I felt as if my life was way too boring, too pointless. But the problem was, I didn't know what I wanted to do.

I would just continue waiting until something comes to me, and then I'll act.

Suddenly, someone tapped me on the back. "Hey, you want to play some soccer?" It was Shin, holding a roughed-up yet still appealing soccer ball. It wasn't like I had anything else I wanted to do, so I agreed. "Yeah." He waited until I finished my food, and the two of us made our way down to the oval. It had been a long time since I last played soccer during lunch time, I always felt somewhat awkward joining in with their games and no one ever directly invited me.