The Side Character has a Scholarship - Part 5 [Chloe]

Rin tried to check his phone, but it seemed that it had gone flat. "Maybe he had something on and can't come with us anymore." No one us aside from Rin had his contact information, no one suggested communicating with him via Snapchat so in the end we just decided to leave. Suddenly, just as we left the front gates of the school, a sprinting, panting Derrick ran up behind us. Without even a moment of delay he began loudly explaining the circumstances, "So for some reason the house captain were giving this speech and then we had to stay and I really wanted to leave but..." He was speaking so fast it was hard to hear what he was saying.

I stopped listening after a little while. I didn't really care that much about whatever reasoning he had, since I didn't really want him here in the first place.