New Life New World

"So, when are we leaving for the Twin Cities? Do you know about their defenses, and do you have a map? We will need a map if we want to conquer those cities," I asked eagerly, my eyes wide with anticipation.

My companion, a seasoned warrior named Jack, frowned as he replied, "I actually forgot about the map; I was so excited about the news that I didn't even ask these minions to provide me with the map of the cities."

I let out a sigh, trying to hide my disappointment, but then turned towards the three minions standing by our side. They were all dressed in dark cloaks, with their hoods pulled over their heads, making it hard to distinguish their features.

I asked them for the map, and one of them stepped forward, pulling out a scroll from the folds of his cloak. As he handed it over to me, I noticed his hands were trembling slightly, indicating that he was either nervous or scared.