World Vision

She gazed at me with a look of understanding, and it was as if she could see into my soul. I had just killed an enemy soldier, and it weighed heavily on my conscience. I wanted to save him, but in that moment, I had no other choice.

As I stood there, grappling with the weight of my decision, she stood up and walked away. I felt a pang of regret as she left me alone with my thoughts. However, her words lingered in my mind.

"Look," she had said, "you will have to make hard decisions. You are a king, not an ordinary man. A king must do his duty, or else the whole kingdom will suffer. This is not the normal world; this is a game, and you will have to play by its rules."

As I tried to process her words, a message appeared on the advanced control menu. I eagerly opened it, hoping for good news. To my surprise, I had been promoted to the next level. I had been working towards this promotion for months, but now that I had achieved it, I felt conflicted.