Ego and Aggression

She was seething with anger, her eyes locked onto me like a predator ready to pounce. I attempted to brush off her aggression, but her intensity was too palpable to ignore. As I took in her appearance, I noticed that she was wearing a stunning dress, far nicer than anything I had seen in this city. It was clear that she was an important figure, and I became even more intrigued to know who she was.

I cautiously approached her, despite the fury radiating from her every pore. "Who are you? I want to know who I'll be killing today," I said, my voice laced with a sense of sadistic glee.

Her expression did not waver, and she refused to give me the satisfaction of a response. "You don't need to know," she retorted, her voice laced with defiance. "If you want to kill me, go ahead and do it. I don't want to waste my breath on the likes of you."