Life to Resolve

After finishing my dinner, I found myself with nothing to do. I decided to turn in for the night, but my attempt to fall asleep was met with difficulty. Normally, I would drift off with ease, but tonight was different. Earlier in the day, I had slept longer than usual, and it had thrown off my sleep pattern. I tossed and turned, shifting from one side to the other until the stroke of midnight, when I finally succumbed to slumber.

The next morning, I awoke to a long list of tasks that demanded my attention. However, before I could begin, an intelligence operative arrived, waiting for me outside. As a veteran of war, I was all too familiar with the significance of intelligence reports, and I knew that this one could not wait. I had just returned from a brutal conflict, and the last thing I wanted was to be thrown back into the fray. But as a king, I understood that my duty required me to face any challenge that arose.