Chapter 42; I don't know what happened...

They dispersed and went back to their rooms to get ready, but the most irritated person was Su Mei, she hadn't expected Su Mao to return and even hook up with Mo Han.

"Mother, let's go back to our bedroom..." The little girl held her mother's trembling hand and directed her away back to their bedroom, she didn't know what had happened to her sister but didn't want to ask about anything concerning Su Mao.

They walked over the stairs up to their bedroom and Wang Xie settled down on the bed as her eyes watered non-stop, she didn't what had happened and he husband had changed into a human she couldn't recognize.

"Mother, I don't know what happened, but what you need to do at the moment is move on, sister doesn't have plans of acknowledging us.. so let's not force it... " She hugged her mother worriedly, they had wanted to ask her if she could perform her surgery and rectify the problem of limping.