Chapter 66; They would dearly pay for this!

"Yes Young Master, but most of the things haven't been installed, there is only a bed and a mattress with some covers." He responded as he reversed and drove away.

"All right, let's go there..." His voice was hoarse and rough, he turned around to gaze at the bloodied teenager and felt heartache, such a simple and beautiful boy was facing these cruel and inhumane creatures.

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Back in the Mo Hospitals, Su Mao was still sound asleep like she was unconscious, Mo Han gazed at her before wheeling himself outside.

"Master..." Mo Yu called him worriedly as he tagged behind him.

"Take me to the ICU.." his voice was hoarse and rough, it was almost morning, and he hadn't had a wink of sleep.

"Okay.." Mo Yu pushed the wheelchair as they headed there.

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Inside the Mo Mansion, everyone was sound asleep as if nothing happened and even the guards didn't care.

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