Chapter 99; How is his condition?

He picked him up walked over to the other wardroom and placed him on the bed tucking him nicely before walking back to the surgery room.

"How is his condition?" he inquired worriedly gazing at Zhou Yang who was having several red patches from the fire that was burning close to his skin.

"He is stable for now..." they didn't know what would happen, they just needed to keep a close watch and... His blood pressure was getting stable and so was his heartbeat rate but they didn't dare let their guard down.

"Okay, you can keep a close watch and immediately notify me in case of any change, let me take care of other things..." He strode back into the corridor, the entire hallway was filled with the guards he had knocked out and that woman who was brought over by the Phoenix.

He walked over and approached her, he roughly tapped her shoulders but she was unconscious, he held her night dress dragged her, and brought her over to the dungeon before locking her up.