24. Samuel's Secret

William cursed many times in his head. Why did nobody tell him that Paula had collapsed? He asked Dave what hospital Paula was in.

"Thanks, Dave! I think I gotta go now!" he exclaimed.

"Do you need help? Clara works there. She is a doctor," Dave offered him.

"Dave, baby, I am a resident," Clara corrected her fiance. Dave looked back at her with an as-if-I-care-about-the-hierarchy look on his face.

"No, thanks. Enjoy the banquet, please!"

William didn't want to stay at the event any longer. He quickly fled away to the exit and didn't care about everything. But, he met his mom at the elevator.

"Will, where will you go?" his mom shouted. The middle-aged lady ran on her heels to stop her son from escaping. "You are supposed to be here until we are done."

"Why didn't you tell me honestly about Paula, mom?" William snapped at her. His eyes glistened in anger.