29. Investigation Result

"Lea?" Danica asked. She was confused because she hadn't gotten used to the name yet.

"Lea is the girl from the charity event," William explained, hesitantly.

"Oh, that clingy one?" Danica asked again, wanting to know more about Lea. "Who is she? She seemed so close to you?"

"She was my girl—"

William couldn't finish his sentence. Suddenly he couldn't resist the urge to throw up and went to the toilet, emptying his stomach again. This is the third time since morning.

"William, are you okay?" Danica shouted from the outside, worrying about her boss' condition.

"Do I look okay to you?" William answered irritatingly. How could Danica think he was okay when he almost had nothing left in his stomach?

"Shall I call the doctor?" Danica asked again. "Look at you! You seemed awful!"