38. The Divorce Papers

William and Danica were tongue-tied in the sudden presence of William's father. There were no words left in their mouths. They could only see Alex entering the room without questioning his behavior.

The man wearing a designer gray suit approached his son's table, bringing along his party invitation letter. His emerald green eyes stared intently at the room owner, letting people know clearly who William inherited those beautiful eyes from.

The man, whose dark hair was already partly white, pulled up a chair in front of his son's desk, then sat cross-legged proudly. He looked at his son's gloomy face with a domineering gaze, like a boss who was about to scold his employee.

The handsome middle-aged man turned his gaze at Danica and said, "Dear, could you please leave us for a moment? I want to say hi to my only son since he rarely visits me at home. You know, I missed him a lot."