51. Gloomy Pretty Woman

Monica had shared Paula's mementos with everyone one by one. However, they could only hold onto the items with immeasurable sadness. They had also prepared mementos for Paula. However, none of them managed to give the stuff to her.

"Stay cool, everyone! We collect all the items and we'll ship them to her," Monica said, trying to calm the others. "Besides, she will be even happier if we worked with more enthusiasm here. Come on, let's shoot a video and we'll send it to her so she will do her best there, too."

Succeed. Indeed, Paula was not wrong to entrust her bakery to Monica. The girl managed to get the others excited, soothing their sadness. One by one, they made farewell messages to encourage their boss.

"Paula, make sure you learn Japanese, okay? Not many people there can speak English."

"Paula, don't be surprised if you become a spot of attention on the street, okay? They don't mean to be rude. They just think you're beautiful."