54. Poor Lea

'… you will help and support me?'

William's words sounded very hypocritical in Lea's ears. How could her ex-lover say that when he threw her at Dave and Clara and left her alone?

How could William possibly help and assist her when his back was no longer visible in the banquet hall? How could he possibly support her when he was discussing business with Mark?

Meanwhile, Dave felt he had no other choice. Maybe it's time to talk this over with Lea and Clara. They had to decide quickly because there would be no point in keeping this kind of secret either.

"Lea, Clara, we're leaving. I have something important to tell you," Dave finally said. He looked at Lea and Clara in turn, bearing a heavy burden on his heart. It was almost impossible. He wanted so badly to ask Lea to abort the baby. However, would Lea be willing to do that? Wouldn't he regret it in the future?