71. A Mysterious Letter

Paula brought the bouquet home, wondering who sent it for her. She took the bus home, trying to ignore people's eyes on her. Who wouldn't? The bouquet was big and beautiful. When the bus was about to reach the destination, she pressed the button to notify the driver that she wanted to get off at the next stop.

This time, she used a bus card to pay instead of coins. When she learned about the card, she immediately bought the card from the driver. It was far more convenient that way.

The cold air of early December immediately struck her flawless bare skin. It was refreshing but also cold at the same time. Paula's apartment was not so close to the bus stop. It needed five minutes by foot to reach her apartment. When she was about to open the door, her smartphone rang. It was a video call from Monica.

"Hi, Monica!"

"Hi, Paula! How are you?" Monica greeted her in a cheerful voice.