80. Pillow Talk

"You are penniless?" Paula's brows furrowed.

William nodded, gulping for fear that Paula would kick him on the spot because she realized she was making love to a homeless man. He was like a hobo now. The remaining savings he had were not much to support his life for the next few years because he already used it to pay for detective service and the expensive luxury trip to Tokyo.

"What happened?" asked Paula curiously, her lips curled into a smile because what William said was a little funny to hear.

William then told Paula how his father fired him. Alex even asked him to forget about inheritance. Even though he still remained his father's child, it seemed, it made no difference. It was like Alex also fired him as a child.

"So your parents dislike me now?" Paula asked, she turned her body so that her chest was on William's. "Did I do something wrong? Is it because I misunderstood that Lea was pregnant with your child?"