82. Telling the Truth

Dave read the paper in his hands, trembling. At first, he was a little confused. However, he immediately understood after reading Clara's name on the test results. His gray eyes stared awkwardly at Clara, rereading the test results even though he knew nothing would change.

"This must be a mistake," Dave said with trembling hands. His face was pale, as white as the color of Clara's bedroom walls.

"It wasn't a mistake, Dave," Clara whispered, smiling bitterly. "Not at all."

Silence fell over Clara's room. They could only stare at each other in silence. Clara swallowed hard. The word she was about to say next would definitely hurt Dave.

"I haven't taken pills for a year," Clara said, smiling bitterly.

"What?" Dave asked in disbelief, not expecting it because he'd never imagined Clara would lie about birth control. "You said that—"