87. Evil Auntie

Surrogate mom?

Sarah could only gape out of guilt. She didn't want to do evil things to her sister and her unborn nephew. But, she had no choice.

Linda continued her sentence, "Tell Clara that you are sorry and don't want to ruin her happiness with Dave. Are you willing to cooperate?"

"Sure," Sarah answered, nodding weakly.

Sarah had doubts. However, she convinced herself that this was the right thing to do. The best one at the moment. Lea didn't want the baby, did she? Lea didn't love Dave, did she? So, surely she would not mind if she had to hand over the child she was carrying to the baby's father and his fiancée.

With that in mind, Sarah finally put her signature on the agreement paper in front of her. It wasn't difficult for Sarah because she was used to doing it. Sometimes, Lea did ask Sarah to just forge her signature for administration because Lea was loaded with work.