89. Kidnapping

William was in the grocery store, shopping for dinner. He wanted to provide the best nutrition for his pregnant wife. Instead of buying ready-made food, he planned to make the food himself. 

He checked the note in his right hand to make sure he had taken all the items he needed to make an avocado salad and chicken steak. He already googled the recipe online. It must be great if he managed to make them at home, from scratch.

"Avocado, shrimp, chicken, and butter," William muttered to himself. "I still haven't picked up the broccoli and asparagus."

William then walked over to the vegetable counter to pick up a bunch of asparagus and a pack of fresh broccoli. He smiled in satisfaction because all the groceries he had bought looked so fresh. He then went to the cashier to pay for his groceries.

"That's 1603 yen in total," the young male cashier in white told him.