92. The Grandson

William fought five fighters. They were like bloodthirsty monsters, wanting to beat William to death. A kick flew to William's stomach. He was thrown towards the north. Moments later, another figure caught him and punched William in the face.

Fresh blood trickled from the side of William's lips and nose. He didn't have time to enjoy the twinge of pain in his face and stomach because someone attacked him from behind, hitting his leg with a chain whip. William fell, face down on the floor. A feeling of bruising ran through his leg from the impact of the heavy metal chains that coiled around his leg.

William was now helpless on the floor. The blow after blow he received was more than enough to make him unable to move. One of Yamaguchi's bodyguards had taken out a smartphone to record the moment they were enjoying as a tribute to Yamaguchi, the man who paid them well.