107. Caring Father

Lea stood from the side of the bed, took her handbag, and got ready to go home. Her main business with Dave was over. She wanted to quickly take a rest and think about the next step she had to do.

"Do you need a lift home?" Dave asked. That handsome young businessman picked up his glasses from the small table beside the bed and put them back on, making them sit nicely on his straight, masculine nose. "I have to go home too."

"Now?" Lea asked while checking the digital table clock. It's still 6 pm now. Usually, that workaholic man went home late. "It's so early. It's not every day you."

Dave smiled a little. "I just… want to see Clara. I will try to convince her to take this … offer."

Lea nodded slowly. A twinge of pain struck her heart. She wanted to smile, but her face was too stiff to do so.

"Come on, I'll take you home," Dave said again while making sure the car keys were in his pocket.