109. Love and Hate

Clara packed her things. It was time for her to go home after a tiring day's overtime work. The jobs given to her were not too many. However, she did work harder these days. The reason was simple. She wanted to distract herself from her life's problems by working.

It was exhausting. However, she would go straight to sleep as soon as she got home. She wouldn't have had time to overthink her problems. Serious problems could make short-minded people end their lives. Dark thoughts would indeed lead them in that direction.

She stepped down the stairs to the ground floor. Not because she was too lazy to queue at the elevator, but because she wanted to walk more so she would be able to keep her body in good shape. Her busy schedule made her rarely take time to go to the gym.

When she got to the main entrance, the sensor flashed red, and the door automatically opened for her. When the woman was about to leave, someone called her name.
