111. Punish Me for Life*

Dave realized that he said the wrong thing. He then tried to distract Clara by showering his beautiful woman with nipple stimulation.

He sipped the two sensitive buttons alternately so that she forgot her sadness. That was the right choice because her attention was immediately diverted to the pleasure that he was giving.

Clara no longer cared about what she was facing. She wanted to forget her troubles for a moment. She wanted to be a woman who only cared about sex-with-handsome-man, even if only for a moment.

She closed her eyes again. She drew closer to him as she was about to kiss the handsome Adonis in front of her. Her hands touched his chest and found his nipples and twirled her fingers there.

Dave groaned loudly because he couldn't stand her excessive stimulation which made him too close to climax.

"Clara! Stop it!"