115. The Wedding Dress

"Why? Why do you say something like that? You promised me that—"

"Mrs. Decker, calm down, please! I'm going to give this baby to Clara because I want to help her. I still don't want to trade my baby for money. So, I will return your money."

Linda couldn't believe what Lea said. She was dumbstruck. Unable to say a word for seconds.

"Then … then where did you get these two million bucks? How could you manage to get—"

"God has brought ships to help people who are almost drowning. I didn't take the first ship because I'm sure God has prepared another ship that is better for me," said Lea, because she didn't want to mention the actual reason. "And sure enough, the second ship that came was much better than the first." 

Linda smiled wryly. She secretly admired the steadfast Lea. She was sure that the woman in front of her was sincere in helping her daughter.