128. Looking for the Janitor

Clara's face heated up as she remembered how embarrassing that night had been. She, who can't drink, got drunk illegally at a bakery cafe, making the manager ask a janitor to kick her out of the almost-closed cafe.

"Gosh, I forgot! I think he paid the fifty-dollar taxi fare to my apartment, didn't he?" Who else paid if not the handsome janitor?

"Why did I completely forget about it? I need to pay him back."

Determined to pay off the debt, Clara then stepped her tired feet to Sakura bakery. When she got inside, she found a long line because many customers were aiming for a fifty percent discount when the cafe was almost closed.

Reluctantly, Clara joined the queue because she was going to buy a cake at the same time. Unfortunately, she was now in sixth place.

Instead of waiting for a long time, Clara's eyes traced every corner of the cafe. There was a janitor who cleaned the tables. The man turned his back to Clara, looking so serious about his work.