138. Clara's Forgotten Past

It was still too early in the morning. Clara slept soundly in the arms of Samuel's strong body. The body covered in perfectly tanned skin was indeed a very comfortable cushion, making her fall asleep easily.

The two naked bodies intertwined, enjoying their encounter with each other. This was the first time they met and did something so intimate. However, they both felt that their bodies were very compatible with each other.

Soft snores and regular breathing escaped Samuel's lips. In his sleep, he held Clara who was about to slide away from his embrace.

While Clara, with her eyes closed, welcomed Samuel's embrace with gratitude. Her lips curved into a light smile, as she whispered, "Jade … don't go …."


Six years ago ….

An amber-eyed girl looked awkward in her skimpy red dress. It wasn't her dress, but her friend's.

"Clara! Don't be so clumsy. Be confident as always!" whispered Abigail, Clara's friend who was four years older than her.