165. Who's the Man?

Linda panicked and worried. She was afraid that her daughter would do something out of line. If it was like this, Clara wouldn't hear what she said.

In the past, if Clara lost control, Dave would calm her down. However, now, was it possible that her daughter would hear what he said? Hadn't they broken up?

No choice. Linda no longer knew who to turn to for help. She then called Dave.

Because it sounded very urgent, Dave asked, "What's wrong with her?"

"I'll explain later. Can I see you now?" asked Linda frantically. "I don't know who to ask for help anymore."

Dave was a bit dubious. "I'm in the hospital. I'll be at your house in thirty minutes."

Linda's throat constricted. Dave must be waiting for Lea. No wonder Clara chose to back down. Maintaining a relationship with Dave will only make her married life full of suspicion.

"Am I interrupting your important time?" she asked again. "If you're busy—"