167. Samuel's Anxiety

Samuel checked his watch. He had been waiting for five minutes, but the nurse never called his mother's name to enter Doctor Evans' examination room.

"Do you want me to make coffee or tea?" asked Samuel in a low voice, wiping the sweat off Larissa's forehead. He was very worried that Larissa would faint like yesterday when Clara was at his house.

Larisa shook her head. "I can make my own." She refused her son's tempting offer because she knew Samuel would worry if she couldn't do anything.

"Don't push yourself, mom!" said Samuel. He then made a warm drink for his mother.

Various types of tea were available in the waiting room at Doctor Evans' clinic. Samuel then chose powdered matcha and mixed it with non-dairy creamer, knowing that Larissa liked it.

The aroma of matcha made by Samuel was very tempting, making Larissa's eyes light up. "Thank you, Sam! You always know how to lighten up my mood."