[Bonus chapter] 169. Come to Me

"Don't go away from me again," whispered Samuel again in his deep, deep voice. He embraced Clara tightly, almost squeezing her slender body.

Clara froze in Samuel's arms. Logic compelled her to rebel, but feelings led her to return the man's hug. She placed her hands on Samuel's chest, burying her face in it. She sobbed violently, shedding all the burden that was in her heart.

Samuel stroked Clara's back gently, allowing her to rage and settle down in his arms. He kissed her head softly, hoping it would ease her sadness. He didn't force her to tell him what happened. He just wanted her to calm down.

"Why? Why don't you just let me go?" Clara asked, sobbing. "What's the point in holding me down?"

Samuel didn't answer, he hugged Clara tightly. His gentle caresses on her brunette hair continued, making Clara feel the man's tender care even more.