174. Happiness for Everyone

"Honey, where are you going?" asked Samuel as Clara got out of bed, away from his embrace. "It's still too early to wake up."

Clara chuckled. "I have to go to the hospital, Sam."


Clara nodded and smiled. "I want to convince her to give birth to her child as soon as possible."

"Are you sure you can?"

Clara was silent for a moment. After she got Samuel's love, she felt alive again. When she thinks about Lea, she felt that everyone deserved happiness, regardless of any sins they had committed in the past. Lea was no exception.

"Lea is an educated person. I will show her scientifically. I hope she will understand," Clara replied again.

Samuel smiled lightly. He felt that Clara's zest for life had returned. "Give me a kiss and I'll let you go," Samuel said with a playful look, pouting his lips.

Clara naturally laughed at Samuel's childish behavior. She didn't reward him with a kiss but tickled Samuel until he screamed for mercy.