Extra 1: Baby Lukas

Three months later.

"Trust me! I am your biological grandfather!" shouted Alex breathlessly, waking from his nightmare. Lisa was startled, waking up from her sleep. Her eyes opened slowly because she was a little dizzy.

Alex looked at his wife awkwardly. Since Paula gave birth to Lukas, their grandson, Alex, had been feeling restless and had nightmares every day. Lisa knew that her husband wanted to meet his baby grandson so badly.

Lisa then asked Alex to meet William's baby. "Shouldn't we go to visit William this afternoon?"

"No need! It was just a stupid dream. What's the point?" said Alex reluctantly because he kept his pride so high.

"What's wrong with you, Alex? Isn't the current William the William you want?" Lisa sighed in annoyance. "Fine, if you don't want to. I have decided not to involve in your childish games anymore. I have never abandoned William in the first place!"

"Hey, you promised to cooperate with me?" protested Alex.