Clash of warriors

Her face displayed traces of shock, surprise and apprehension.

Looking at Captain Crimson eye who was now covered with a red crimson aura around him as opposed to her dim white aura, she muttered with a scowl on her face "You are a monster".

"Yes…. " Captain Crimson swung his sword in an attempt to decapitate her head before completing his sentence "I am".


Knight Camille had already anticipated his movement and bent her head sideways before bending down and sweeping her sword over at Captain Crimson eye's waist with one swift motion.


Unfortunately, Captain Crimson eye was fast enough to react and block the attack with his sword before he immediately launched his attack.


Each time their swords clashed, Knight Camille moved backwards with Captain Crimson eye advancing, further showing their differences in strength and causing Knight Camille to grit her teeth in frustration.