A sheep and its slaughterer

"You aren't serious Captain"

"But you see, I am"

"He is inept" She uttered. Her words came out lower than she had expected them to be.

Captain Crimson eye narrowed his eyes at her.

"He is not inept. He is by far the best person capable of training you right now. I can only teach you physical combat, but if you want to know how to handle your mana well, then he is the best option available" He said, smiling "And besides, weren't you the one that lost against this inept Prince? Doesn't that make you inept as well?:

"Well…T-That…." Annabelle was distraught. She never thought that the Captain- Her Captain would ever suggest such an insane idea.

As a Pirate, doesn't that mean the same thing as defaulting to the other side? So how could she join another Crew? Much less becoming a part of Prince Wyatt's crewmen!!

Looking at her Captain's expression, her heart ached.