Setting sail


"Hey! Take it easy" I said while looking at the Crimson Black eye crew who were startled back by my voice with a little apprehension on their faces.

It seems that they are still wary of me because of the way Knight Camille was killed.

I snorted.

Regardless, I didn't want to stand by and watch as they incur more damage to my ship as they removed their ship's anchors.

"Captain" Mad John who was standing next to me as I rested my body against the helm said, pointing his hands in a certain direction.

Following its direction, my gaze made contact with Annabelle's figure.

Right on time!

It was already late evening, meaning the sun would set in a few hours. So getting out of here to fix my ship was my number priority and it would be bad if I were to leave behind the one person capable of helping me do so.

Huh!! What does he want now?

I frowned while looking at Captain Crimson eye and his trusted companion -Jerry who had accompanied Annabelle unto the ship.