A boring night

Hmmm!! I think the name of the crewman I just called now, was Logen -one of the guys I ate with the other day.

And judging by his serious and attentive expression, it seems that my plan to bond with them wasn't for nought.

"YOU ALL, KEEP THE SHIP IN ORDER BEFORE GOING TO REST. WE WILL START MOVING TOMORROW MORNING SO GET SOME REST AND BE SURE TO BE ON HIGH ALERT WHILE YOU ARE AT IT" I screamed to the top of my lungs and made sure my voice travelled around the corners of the ship before closing my mouth.

Looking at Mad John, I greeted his nod with a nod of my own before going back to my first room to try out my experiment.

And so, in less than two minutes, I arrived in front of my room, opened it, walked in and closed it back before using the locks and making sure it was working by locking the room shut.

Directing Toothless to my position, I took off the chairs that used to be a part of my dining table and sat down.