Here it lies

"Growl!" A cloud of whitish frigid fog washed over my face. I froze once more because that sound wasn't mine.

Instead of deliberating whether to confront the source of the sound or not, my head instantly snapped forward.

Thump! Thump!! Thump!!!

My heart drummed, unstoppably. My arms spasmed and shook as I steeled my legs to stand up and take a step back after stumbling on the snow a few times.

I had forgotten. No! I had almost forgotten. The sacrifices of the hundreds -thousands of men that laid their lives that day, the years it took before the news reached my ears and the months I had spent to devise a plan to capture it.

And yet, just this morning I was stripped of all those memories. How?

There was nothing I wanted to know right now than how such a thing was possible!

"CLIING! DING!!" The chains tied around the pillars shook. The sound reverberated around the room again and again. But, I didn't bother to look because my eyes were fixated on the one responsible for it.