A normal couple bonding session

Despite this, I reiterated, "Yes, I want you to emulate every aspect of me - my appearance, behaviour, powers, and abilities."

She gazed at me in disbelief, her face clearing of confusion and doubt before she dramatically shook her head and let out a heavy sigh.

I mean, yes! I was the only one excited about this and for a good reason too!!

She stood still and stared at me unmovingly. Suddenly, her appearance began to morph. Like waves of ripples caused by a pebble thrown into a river, her hair, body, height, weight, and clothes all changed, into my appearance. It was as though I was looking at a mirror reflection of myself.

As I examined every part of her being, I couldn't help by drawn towards her crotch.


"Yes, husband"

I rose a brow.

Nina immediately drew her attention to somewhere else when she noticed my stare. "Didn't you say this was a …. husband-wife bonding ..a-activity" She spoke hesitantly, yet fumbled on her words.