First partner (R18)

Prince Wyatt pinched her nipples, squeezed her ass, and nibbled on her neck, forcing her to soil her panties which she hadn't yet removed with her copious cum.

Her voice grew louder. Her mind and body fought to control the passionate activity, and then suddenly, Prince Wyatt's pressed his lips against hers and savoured the feeling of her mouth with his tongue.

As more time went by, she gained experience, and so, she retaliated and did the same.

Her body curved upwards as she rub her vagina against Prince Wyatt's left leg, while her mouth shuddered against his, and explored his mouth with her tongue.

Without thought, she moved her hands towards the scalding veiny penis slapping against her inner thighs and held it.

"~~MMhmm~~" Prince Wyatt stopped moving and looked at Nina for some seconds before he diverted his attention back to exploring her body.