Gathering of Kings (3)

The mad King's lips twitched as he looked at the faces of everyone present.

Yes! He knew that a few Kings had fallen, but there was still one more King who hasn't arrived yet.

Grand Duke Liam responded. "And yet, we are the only ones who still have a Kingdom to run and the capability to run it". He then ignored him.

Nonetheless, there was something that Beck caught from their exchange.

"And here I thought that meeting a fallen King would at least have some kind of significance" However, another response came from an unexpected source.

The mad King's eyes narrowed as he turned to the man who spoke. 'And who are you?' He demanded.

The man who Beck barely remembered responded. "Prince Murdock". His voice was calm and collected.

The mad King nodded. "Take note, I don't squabble with little kids" He said dismissively.