War cometh

If their scepticism persisted, she would be left with no option but to execute every fallen leader in her presence and assert her authority over the remnants of their kingdoms. Though it was a task she longed to sidestep, but if circumstance left her no alternative, she would be compelled to claim their heads begrudgingly.

She doubted that there would be any resistance, and even if there was, it would prove to be completely futile.

Just as she was about to grasp the door handle, "BAM!" The door was flung open.

However, she was unperturbed. "What is it?" She asked. But still, her eyes were raised in suspicion at her guard's sudden entrance into the throne room.

Something was wrong, and she didn't need to be a genius to notice it. But to specifically know what it was ---

"MY QUEEN!" The guard addressed her and immediately saluted. "There is a problem".