Queen Mavena's plan

"If this goes on, we might have to rebuild the kingdom from scratch if we succeed in defeating Captain Crimson Eye and his fleet" With a clearing of his throat, he spoke with decisiveness. "Just give me the orders, and I will stop this mess and punish these forsaken fallen leaders".

His forehead creased incessantly, and his face aged with every passing thought. His Queen's vision of the four kingdoms coexisting and fighting a common enemy was respectable, but Gideon couldn't shake the feeling that one of these mad leaders would find a way to thwart her plans, either by aligning with the enemy or acting out of selfishness.

Regardless, he turned his head to the side to gaze at the stoic face of her Queen, anticipating her response and orders.

But, she remained silent. Her eyes locked onto the ongoing battle, analyzing every detail with a series of emotional and calculative glances that made Gideon wonder about what was currently going through her head.