[Bonus chapter] Rogue pirates (2)

Mad John let out a long, drawn-out sigh, his eyes flickered around as if searching for the perfect words to convey his message. His lips parted, and he began to speak with a measured cadence, each word chosen with care.

"Wealth has its limits.." He said, his eyes fixed on me. ".... Especially for a young ascendant with a long lifespan and no way to accumulate more wealth".

Yes, I knew that he was talking about me.

Mad John continued, his tone becoming more conspiratorial. "However, now that we are rogue pirates, I think--"

I cut him off immediately and picked the out word. "Rouge pirates?".

"Yes, captain" Replied Mad John "Although, truthfully, we have been skirting that line ever since the incident with Captain Clara. But now that we have destroyed some of Captain Crimson Eye's fleet and killed off some of the Crimson Black-eye crew..." He raised his hand to his head and saluted me. "Congratulations, Captain Prince Wyatt. We are now officially rogue pirates".