Unexpected trap

After thoroughly scanning the entire ship with my magical energy to ensure that no one else was left, I swiftly made my way towards the ship's edge. Conjuring up a tornado of flames, I launched it towards the next ship, repeating the cycle of carnage once more. A grin of satisfaction spread across my face as I caught sight of several ships quickly retreating from the battle, realizing they were no match for the ascendant that they were up against.

Too late!

No matter how much they ran -

With a swift launch towards the next ship, my legs landed upon a poor man who served as my cushion.


... they couldn't escape my wrath.


Surrounded once again by sharp blades aimed for my demise, my body moved with a deadly grace, tearing, crushing, and ripping apart anything that dared to stand in my way.

The cycle continued relentlessly, until finally, all that remained.....

Was a ghost ship, painted in the ominous hues of black ash and crimson blood.
