Konan watches from a ways away as Raven heaves struggling to keep up with Yanick, watching from the side he stifles his budding laughter as he sees ravens chubby bulk sway lightly in the icy chill of dawn's breeze, slowly a staggering Raven makes way to the bench where he's seated,

"He's really amazing huh" glancing toward Raven he remains silent before turning his gaze towards his bond brother,

(i can imagine why Yanick took this kid in, looks like he gets bullied a lot, it's ironic you know, alot if people look at Elyan in awe, but things weren't always this way....

(Elyan and i played every day)

"I am a hero of justice, how dare you attack the weak....come at me!..."


"Come on Elyan what are you doing? You're the villain...say something"

(I always took the side of justice and Elyan always did whatever i did, whatever i asked)

"Konan if the hero doesn't help others is that wrong?, What if the villain's stronger?, Why does he fight for others?"

(Elyan had alway's had a unique personality)

"Idiot!, What kind of hero thinks that way... haya"

"Thank you for being friends with me Konan"

(I was his only friend....his mom used to buy me a lot of food, to the point it almost felt like a bribe), Konan sigh's chuckling to himself,

(Middle school rolled around, we happened to be in the same class)

"It's nice to be in the same class Elyan... you think so too don't you?" An excited Konan beams

"Yeah, sure" the ever apathetic Elyan replies "Konan, have you ever played a mobile game?" An embarrassed Elyan murmurs,

Konan looks to his friend with a rye smile,

(He must want to play one too),"want to play one?"

"Yeah sure" Elyan replies failing to mask his excitement, "wow! This is amazing"

(Nothing changed for Elyan and i after getting into middle school...not till it did)

"Hey you with the big ears, which pri. school are you from?"

Konan turns to see three youngsters, two boys and a girl, both boys in hoodies, the one at the fore sporting a red and black and his companion in an orange with the girl in their school's uniform, Konan lost in thought as he assesses the three fails to reply

"He wants to be friends with you, by the way your ears are really big" says the boy at the side "do you want to head to the cafe?"

"Yeah...Elyan you want anything?"

"Chocolate" he replies not bothering to look up from the game

"Then get it yourself!" Konan replies dragging him along.

Standing together the hooded boy's companions chat while Konan assess him,

(He looks cool, tall also.. should be around five feet six?)

"Jim was the boss back in primary" the boy sporting the orange hoodie states gesturing to the other

"Yeah his shootout game level is over a hundred!" The girl to his side exclaims excitedly

"Hey..stop it..i'm embarrassed" he states sporting a smug smirk over his face "they used to call me 'hammer fist', it's a long time ago, it's actually so embarrassing"

"Hammer fist? konan's a hero!" Elyan states chewing on the last of his bar, Konan gestures for him to stay silent but the words are said

"What's that?" Jim says giving a mirthless smile, "Which school are you from?"

"He has a weird way of talking" the orange hooded companion states

"Forgive him!… he's just normally this way"

"Hey! Hey!! Get lost!" The group turn towards the commotion at the cafe line's fore Konan watches as three upper class men push his mates out of the way. Two tall upper class men wearing tracksuit jackets one in blue with rough hair and a thin frame the other in red with a mohawk and design patterns at the sides, central to the two a slightly shorter upperclassman in a yellow turtleneck hoodie,

(everyone seems to be in a group),

"Hey who's...." Konan trails off as he looks at the three In front of him in shock as they shiver in fear eyes planted firmly to the ground,

"Don't look at them, don't catch his eye!" Jim whispers...almost shitting himself as the three walk towards them...

"shit!..greet him, his the scariest guy among the third years"

"He hel..lo" konan bumbles out

"Huh? Hey the first year's?" The yellow hooded boy answers

"Hey kid do you have a pack?"

"Pack?" Konan inquires in confusion

"cigarettes!" The red jacket inquires in a deep booming voice, "do you? Do you!?...answer if you do or not!"

"Ye..yes?" Konan stutters

"Ah..yes" Jim replies pulling out a packet of cigarettes with a lighter

"Ha...this one has sense...come with me lets have a smoke together" he says before walking away

"Konan let's follow them, life in school will be easy if where on good terms with them" Jim states hurrying to catch up with his friends in tow

"Smoke?..yeah of..of course", (i should go, i really don't want to look weak!)

"Konan!…don't go... remember what mom said.. people who smoke are bad" Elyan states his voice booming above the cafeteria buzz.

The group's fall silent, flabbergasted Konan stares in abject horror

"Hey! Who's he...is he a retard?" Red jacket states

"Ye...yes he is ...a little" Konan states squirming back in fear,

Bursting into a loud chuckle red jacket smacks Elyan who's head snaps to the side with a freightning bang

"You bastard..your standing still?, your being rude to your seniors y'know, you should apologize" he states glaring at Elyan who stares unflinchingly, aggravated he proceeded to smack him repeatedly

"Look at this bastard!... he's not even making a sound!...hey bro you want to have a go?" He states as he continues his assault

(At that moment our eyes met, and i looked away, i ignored him)

Stepping forward the yellow hooded youngster glares Elyan down,

"You're are turning me into a joke In front of the other kids, you, you should play with me starting from today"

(That's when it began....and it almost never stopped)

Elyan stumbles into the classroom face bloodied wearing only his white shirt and school trousers

"Seriously they're not joking"

"How long has it been?"

The murmurs rage round the classroom as they all give sympathetic looks towards him while surveyed his battered state.

Konan stares at Elyan from the side while contemplating, (should i talk to him?...at the very least i should comfort him)


"Konan....it's fine" Elyan states unperturbed

"Doesn't it hurt?"

"it's fine"


"Don't worry i'm okay"

"but when they called"

"nothing happened"

Konan exhales looking away...(right ..he must be ok...Elyan's always been a special kid)

(I knew he was in pain.. deep deep down i knew..but....)

"Konan, lets head to the cafeteria" Elyan speaks Walking up to Konan's seat, Konan watches unsure of how to respond

"Elyan i'm sorry but..."

"Konan what are you doing, lets go" Jim states arriving with his group in tow as the four make they're way outside the class, turning Konan glances at Elyan who'd returned to his seat, seating off to the side while sipping his juice box,

(he's fine)

(He wasn't)

(Shit next class is in a separate building, i took too long in the toilet!), While running pass the back the sound if sobbing calls gus attention, (huh? Is someone crying?)

Walking around the corner Konan stares frozen to the spot as he watches Elyan ball his eyes, turning to run away he freezes for a second more hearing him choke on his tears....

(Then i left....)

(It was my first time seeing him cry and then he stopped coming)

Konan stares at Elyans seat in worry,

(he wouldn't have run away, Elyan's not like that, they've probably beating him senseless, he must be sick)

"Hey Konan" turning to the speaker he sets his sights at Jim,

"You want to go to the cafe?" Konan asks

"No that's not it....." Jim replies

Konan watches Jim curiously as he trails off

"They asked, i told them Elyan didn't come, they said to 'bring his friend'

Konan stares as his eyes widen in horror.

(The place they took me to...)

Walking through a labyrinth of maze like turns around the school buildings, Konan looks in shock at a shirtless short and skinny boy hugging a pole around it's mid section, the two lackeys call out to him as Jim and his companions follow closely behind

"Ijhoo, he's here, the bastards friend"

Turning Ijhoo looks towards Konan

"are you his friend?"

"Y..yes" a trembling Konan replies

"Do you know why you where called here?" He inquires in an almost friendly tone

"N...n.no" Konan bumbles a reply to which Ijhoo knees the shivering boy hanging by the pole in-between his legs

"They're cute...like a monkeys" one of the two girls smoking at the side interject, watching the boy scream and squirm he gulps as he fails in his attempt to steel himself.

A little later Konan his knelt in front of ijhoo who proceeds to draw leisurely on his forehead

"Are you best friends with him?"


"Stay still dammit, do you feel like shit? want to beat me up?"


"Haa has he always been a retard?"

(Thank god he's only bullying me like this)

"Well Elyan's personality has alwa.... Screaming Konan clutches his nose as a pen sticks out drawing blood form his nostril

"He failed to show up yesterday.. same today... bring him here tomorrow....or you can play with me instead"

Konan watches as the groups walk away leaving him with the skinny upperclassman...the two clutching their respective injuries walk towards the school's public wash to Clean off the drawings on their bodies...

"That guy... he's your friend?" The senior inquires


"Even after everything they've done, he's never made a sound"

(Listening to the senior...i felt a twisted sense of pride and shame towards Elyan....)