"I'll be introducing the new transfer student" the teacher states looking over the seating students, the students exclaim in joined delight... walking in a short chubby looking girl steps into the classroom...

"Good morning everyone my name is Kaytlin hide and i look forward to working with you" she states towards the now seemingly disinterested class, taking her designated seat she ignores the murmurs that buzz around and about her while carefully analysing the classes social structure,

(That group has all the power) she states gazing towards Laura, Maya and co,(they're the try hards, but generally get ignored) she wonders looking to another group of girls seated to the side, (for the guys it's that group) looking at Raven and co Kaytlin's face scrunches momentarily in distaste, (The popular and handsome one's are always the most shallow).

Taking her seat she quickly proceedes to get's her desk in order when she feel's a persons presence beside her,

"Hello?... I'm Raven...i transferred in a few months before you, you want to be friends?", Raven inquires with what would have otherwise been an akward introduction if not for his apperant attractiveness

{want to be friends?..really... really..that's the best you could do?}, Silver interjects dying silently with laughter,

(I'm handsome, put a sock in it) comes his shamelessly candid reply,

sighing in response, Kaytlin eye's traind on his,

(So you're going for the pity me act?), She wander's silently to herself,

"Yeah thank you" comes her curt reply,

(just leave me alone, or they'll start talking again...)

True to her thoughts the undisguised displeasure in the murmurs majorly emenating from the girl's around her heighten significantly.

"Are you all children!?... can't you shut up for a damn second!?" Jay bellows still wearing casts on his formerly mildly sprained and long healed hands,

"now Maya...feed me"


"but my", Jay completes by raising his hands

"no do it yourself!"

"ahhh", Jay replies in response opening his mouth impossibly wide

"ugh your soo", Conceding she proceeds to feed him to their classmates amusement, the day flies by and Kaytlin quickly acclimatized to the school's mildly unsusal way of life, now walking with the class club forms in hand Kaytlin tunes out the sound's of the student's murmurs as she makes way to the teachers lounge, her revel in the now found peace is broken by the sound of jay's voice follow behind while Ari follows in tow causing her to clench her teeth in irritation, picking up the pace of her steps to a brisk walk she trip's on her own feet in her moment of distraction, she's caught with a


to the neck as she flounders mid fall steadying herself, she turns to Jay

"Sorry bout hands" he states promptly

"Thank you" She replies, trying desperately to hide her embarrassment she turns sharply shocked to find Raven picking the documents

"What are... "

"Hey ...i was just passing by, i'll help" he states walking along side her with Jayson and Ari in tow,

Staring at Raven she tilts her head in slight wonder,

(was he born this polite?… Or are you just trying desperately to keep the act up?, at least his acting is believable)

"You, stop being nice, or pretending to be anyway, it makes my job harder", She mutters irritatedly

"What?" curious Raven inquires walking out from the teacher's lounge to see only Kaytlin present

"Nothing" she replies turning away before stopping herself mid stride, "and thank you"

"I'm finally i'm out of there", Kaytlin states ruminanting absent-mindedly while feeding a dirty blonde and homeless dog, freezing at the sudden appearance of a presence behind her, she turnd abruptly towards the person behind her, Raven raises his hands in surrender the dog food in his hand catching her attention,

"i didn't know anyone else but me took care of her" he states shooting her a smile...

(He's quite committed to his act)

"Her name's Nue, her owner abandoned her when she moved, she doesn't like strangers much, and she's much too weak and malnurished to do anyone harm" She states stroking it's dirty fur while watching the dog eat,

"Sooo Kaytlin, how are you adjusting to life at Saiyan, is it hard?"

"Thank you, but I don't need your pity, i can take care of my own issues myself and I'm not as weak as you probably think" she replies smiling while looking over the eating dog

Raven eyes glimmer in contemplation, (well she's a tough one, strong, mentally if anything else)

{That she is.. Do you mind tossing me to her?... she'd be a better handler at least} silver chastises in jest.

Holding a towel against her dripping hair she steps out of the steaming white toilet before staring into the blue eyed beauty she'd come to know as her's,

(i still don't see why they're having me watch him, KV already said he'd take care of it)

Walking out past the manor gates Vin comes into view

"Do you really sleep all day!?" He inquires while staring at her questioningly,

"A lady needs her beauty sleep" comes her reply..

(My real life starts at night anyway, i work while one body sleeps, and not a soul knows, well excluding father, he really does seem to think my presence makes business easier, but i guess he's not wrong when i think about it, after all every man's the same, have a high enough standing and the looks to match and they'll practically gift you their kidneys to win your ir in this case 'my' heart, after all, to their understanding my father has no successor no to attain me becomes of major importance, if only they knew that he'd probably out live they and their children)

The hours roll by and Kaytlin finds herself staring out the side of the passenger's seat, diagonal from the drivers,

"The eldest of the Young family's taken a liking to you" Vin says sporting a rare smile

"I'm not into a guy like that...", (There only into my shell... I'd be an idiot to think it'd be the same if i where in my real body… sometimes i wonder, what's the point of trying so hard to change myself, i was given this body for protection, to use 'Shifting' but my real body's still, weak)

"I'll get off here" Kaytlin states looking Vin's sunglasses in the eyes,

"here?.....your sure?" Vin inquires his usual expressionless face back in place

"I'll walk"

"It's just short of a mile and three in the morning" he replies

"It's fine...i can take care of myself"

"Fine", getting out of the car her mind whirls as she walks towards the direction of the manor.

(I have to exercise when i get home then put this body to rest and get ready for school, i really don't want to go, Raven voss, i still don't know why dad told me to watch him, but he's already made school life hell, is he actually like the rest of them? the geniuses dad nurtures for his benefit, like Vin?, Wuu?, KV?)

Taking a detour she stops before a poorly lit alley, from it's entrance she stands watching a short stocky boy not unlike herself tend to Nue,

"Hey" calling out to him she chuckles at his startled reaction,

"H..hi?...are you here for her?" He inquires while gently stroking the dogs fur,

"Yeah", Aylin trails watching him reminiscent of herself, "i come around here to feed her frim time to time"

"She's quite loved" the boy replies

"That she is" Aylin ststes in confirmation

"She's pregnant y'know,i don't think she's going to make it" Raven states

"You want to take her to a vet?" ...

"Already did, Nothing to be done, if she survives I'll file for ownership, i'm already searching for homes for her children", Raven replies pulling out another dog treat, retaining her silence she watches Raven pet the dog unaware of her slowly budding smile. A glance at the time snaps her out of her stupor and she sprints out of the alley before starting the long jog toward the manor.

Raven watches the lady's back grow smaller beneath the night's dull luster,

(James said he'd take them in when they're born, if their with someone i know i could visit often),

"I should go lock up it's almost time to shift bodies"

Walking out of the alley and towards the store, Raven breaks into a jog barely panting when he steps into the store, he begins to pack up the day's trash when he hears someone barge into the store, walking back into.his counter post cautiously the tension fades after spotting Jimmy's heaving frame...

"Raven... Raven!" Jimmy calls out his voice dripping with obvious agitation, throwing his stickly frame up into view then towards Raven who recoils at the state of his person he cries out,

"Jimmy?...what's wrong?", Raven inquires tensely

"Money, money, lend me a little bit of money, i'll return it, i swear, i won't lose, i'll return it, i'll win, i'll win, this time i'll..." Raven's lips curl downward as the lines etch hard into his slightly chubby frame, watching Jimmy slowly lose his mind as he rant's unnervingly, Raven takes several steps back, slowly gesturing for him to calm down

"Okay Jimmy, just calm down.. Explain yourself, what's going on?" He inquires while speaking slowly to Jimmy as one would a toddler

"I'm done for!, I'm such an idiot!, i never should've tried playing without the tips!" he begins.