Raven is on his feet with due haste now sure that everything has gone according to plan so far, he rumages through Darwin's table unable to find anything when his hand finds a thin horizontal hole large enough to fit a card, Raven skeptical inserts the card into it, unexpectedly it's pulled in, a click sounds behind him causing him to turn swiftly, there he sees a seemingly normal section of the wall pull aside to show a twelve by twelve cubic meter space, at the end facing opposite him is a map, the map showing the country, the position of the four major crews and various other influencial minor crews, a mystery location situated north west of Belgrade, specifically on the lands of Croatia, one of the many countries of old ceded in the creation of the UWA, under the lard question mark read 'Relic', immediately Raven's mind runs to the vague conversation he and his mom had had where she mentioned,

(A war), with time running fast Raven takes pictures, undeterred in moving evidence to get a better shot, after collecting the data he finds a safe, to it's right it gas a scanner to scan it's lock, Raven tries both card and badge, with his efforts bearing no fruit and time ticking by with pace he resorts to ever martial artists favourite plan, violence!, His fist cocks back with the air around ut contourting as his fist flies ripping through the protective steel, on instinct Raven's eyes flash black with white irises, his hands blurr to tge containers side releasing a burst if force that contains the explosion that seems to freeze in time, his hands vibrate till it seems naught more than an arm as he inserts it into the box then pulls out a huge pile of documents, a moment later another wave of force is released and the budding explosion implodes, several seconds later a loud explosion occurs outside the MM building craking it's windows abd probably shattering those of nearby buildings, the lights go blood red as it seems the entire building goes into safey mode, something Raven immediately realises is mostly used for natural disasters. Namely earth quake, tge third world war did make those more frequent in Europe, there hadn't been one in years though, the wave from moving the point of implosion as well as it's after effects abd latent tremors must have triggered the system, nevertheless with a quick glance over the documents Raven knew he had what he'd come for, and even some bonuses, he knew he couldn't take the documents with him, neither did he come all this way just to see them, but that was never the plan, he pulls his phone out taking four k pictures as well as scanning them with the application Klaus had sent to him,

(With this Klaus can replicate them with hundred percent accuracy, and they can officially be tendered in court, though i'd like toavoid that), Raven was done with the first part, what comes next us the hard part, getting the girls.


          As much as he'd love to get everyone freed, he knew it was unlikely, should the police appear here then the only one getting cuffed for crimes was he abd his accomplices, so while Warden and Nathan kept the security busy he made his way towards Nathan, if he was going to find a way into that floor he'd have to beat it out of the President, and if worst came to worst he'd use the documents to his advantage, especially the VP's dirty little secret.

        The man frowns at the sight of the elevator's now red light, 

(An earth quake?, I need to quickly end this), Warden stares shocked as the man 'copies' his one inch punch, the igniting 'Force' blasting him againt the elevator doors rattling the container, a high knee from him is replied to with a punch to the ribs, groaning as force ignites and explodes out the man's fists, 

"Where'd you learn to fight?" The man inquires, his guard taking the brunt of Warden's fist, 

"I taught myself!" He yells igniting his striker technique as his hands and arms up to his elbows heat as the blood crystallises giving the skin a haggard look as steam rolls of them in waves, the man dodges the impact that punches a hole straight through the elevator, 

"You really do remind me of myself in my younger days" he begins as he activates his Defence technique his muscles bulging with 'Force' and drawing on the area near them at rapid rates contourting the air around his body as Warden takes note of the absence or rather weakness of gravity over them, the elevator was floating, Warden smashes his striker technique empowered fist even further bolstered by running 'Force' through his body at the man, the blow connects to his ribs and astonishingly Warden is sent flying by a blast of 'Force' released from the formers body that sends him crashing against the sorely dented elevator wall, several more attempts end in similar result leaving the might protector listless,

"What aren't you attacking?" He questions,

"There's no need to piss on a defeated foe" the man responds,

"What makes you think i'm defeated?" He bites back,

"Prove to me otherwise, your here for those girls aren't you, break my Defence and i'll help you",

"That's always been the plan" he replies mockingly,

"I assure you, i'm far from serious" the man smiles in reply the 'Force' around him growing more chaotic momentarily just before going back to it's previous strength,

(This fucking geezer!, Boasting are we?) He grins, (at the very least as it is now, i can damn well break through!) He ponders, Warden releases his striker technique before re-igniting it, this time Warden focusses Brigade on one and screaming with as pain sears through his very being and the crystallized blood threaten to explode under the pressure as bits and pieces of his steaming hand crack and splinter off from his arm,

"Ahhhhhbhhhh" he screams as he's about to run 'Force'through his body and concentrate it into his dominant fist but a flash of a fist later and he's out cold, 

(This idiot!, You're willing to kill yourself for those two huh, it really is like looking in a mirror, fuck!, i'm getting to old for this job) he sighs resolute to at the very least save the girls despite Warden not fulfilling his end, (i'll hold you to this agreement next time) he mules carrying the unconscious boy out of the elevator before returning to execute stabdard evacuation procedure.

       While Raven made haste towards his location, Nathan with the tenacity of an animal had fought and bested over twenty non's and lunin's as he held ground at the showroom, with the president's patience waining and his unease expands,

"End this farce" he calls out to Darwin who nods before taking off his white suit jacket, the security members abd guards back away before exiting to meet Raven under the President's orders, Nathan stares down his foe, the latter returns his with cold apathy and an almost bored look, 

"You know i've fought them all" he states, "Oren Wayne, Daryun Won, Duke Wade, he acknowledged them, but not me, i still don't understand why, so tell me Nathan Smith, as his student, tell me why, why doesn't me acknowledge me?" He inquires, Nathan having understood tge questions ignores it staring apathetically with his batton poised to strike, 

"We both use weapons, so why?" He questions putting on his golden knuckle as his fist crashes against Nathan's guard,the latter goes rocketing againsy the red ferrari,

"MY CAR!" The president screams, Nathan groans glancing at his batton glad to find it intact, Darwin presses forward before rolling away on instinct as a sickening gash resembling a sword slash appears on his torso,

"You might die" Nathan murmurs the 'Force' coating his batton growing more chaotic, "no time" he murmurs as he pounces, Darwin wastes no time activating his striker technique 'Big Impact' as his already heavily muscled and bulging arm crashes into Nathan with doubled weight, Nathan feels his liver rattle stagering him momentarily, Darwin's bigger frame forcing the latter to dodge another heavy strike,

(He's slow!) Nathan judges going in for a downward slash forcing Darwin to release his technique then roll away as the blade rips the flooring apart, Nathan in a big to break the stalemate opts to use a move he'd been experimenting on, compressing his striker technique 'Severing Edge' unto the now creaking batton he swings forward and explosion ensues blasting a sharp wave of 'Force' forward, Darwin forms a guard hastily igniting his Defense techniques 'Shroud Wall' as 'Force' in the form of steam exits his pores helping to resist the cutting force threatening to sever both his guard amd head, a wave of 'Force' from the two techniques colliding blasts away the two, Nathan takes it with a roll but Darwin's blasted and embedded into the wall, unfortunately for Nathan he's largely unscathed, his insane endurance aiding him in tanking majority of the impact, a quick inspection of his body allows him realise some of his organs are in shock, noticing this he grins before chuckling outloud,

"I've missed this" he states before igniting his striker technique.