MERCHANTS 5 [X] (Ch. 85)

Following the given route James arrives before the only path to the topmost floor, the elevator, noticing that's it's in use a quick survey with his 'Force' he's able to tell, 

(Three Shifters, i think they're moving him) he concludes before bolting down the flight of steps in a hurry to reach the ground floor.

       Darwin saunters leisurely into the club, a quick survey and a restrained grin later he exits making is way around the sky scraper and towards the parking area, his reprieve of thoughts are broken by the all too familiar shilouette begins him, 

"I thought we agreed on peace" he states,

"I am here for peace",

"I see" Darwin sighs, "i can't help you, this is just the way MERCHANTS are" he concludes, "Frankly i'm not suprised, you're quite similar to Corinth in that respect, you both can never seem to put aside foolish ideals and beliefs" 

"You're right, i don't want to" Duke replies,

"Do you have the power to back that statement off?" Darwin questions,

"You're free to come find out" Duke glares as steam bellows out his pharynx, 

"Very well, it seems your opponent is here" Darwin nods towards Lingyun who follows closely beside a worse for wear Raven barely clutching onto Ivy, 

"You" Lingyun says staring at Duke, 

"Me" Duke sneers,

Lingyun explodes forward his spear rippling through air, Duke falls back evading the strike that rends the ground before him, the former follows with a thrust which Duke rolls away gracelessly avoiding the thrust coated with rippling 'Force' with every strike landing like a hammer, Duke holds his steam against his heart the pressure mounting with every breath, his heart straining to pump, his eyes vein turning red, his pale skin turning beet red, steam surrounding his person, Lingyun's scimitar spear whips, a stomp and blur latter his jaw snaps back, the sheer force of the kick causing to black out momentarily, desperately to avoid another hit he raises his Spear instinctively, his 'Force'empowering it, the weapon bursts into life with green soul fire, Duke gives space guardedly, Darwin's eyes narrow, his face falling to a frown,

(A shame it's a spear) he mules, Lingyun had little time, it was easy to tell, though unable to layer his 'Force' arts, he switched through the arts seamlessly, brutalizing Duke with every exchange, the soul fire going to work on him as every graze left him agonizing pain, the source of the pain incorporeal, but he knew instinctively he couldn't take much more, the only reason he'd remained in the battle his layered 'Force' arts, with aid of his superior empowered physical capabilities he adopts guerilla warfare, battling for attrition, Lingyun unable to hold much longer empowers his weapon wth more 'Force' and with a roar a wave tears at both Duke and Darwin, they're both out the way in a flash but a cocked arm back and a thunderous throw latter Duke finds himself at a momentary loss before packing every bit of 'Force' he had left into one final blow, with the aid of 'Force'he pulls the spear towards him faster twisting till he feels his right oblique muscle tear, despite the blinding pain he grabs and twists, shooting the relic back at Ivy, Lingyun dives before the impact, given the contract the soul fire leaves him unharmed rather to hus shock he feels it slowly heal him despite piercing his abdomen, Raven who's conscious mind takes gamble, 

(It's up to you now) he mules glancing to Duke, in a flash he's behind Lingyun, slamming an empowered fist into his side breaking his focus, the healing stalls Duke despite being on staggered legs gives a roar pushing with all he had left as his fist clatters Lingyun's jaw, the two drop conscious but immobile, Raven is spent, unconscious, Darwin looking over the scene walks up Lingyun crouching low next to him before proposing an offer,

"Bark and i'll help you, don't and...well" Darwin pauses turning his head up to Tobi, James and co, Lingyun grits his teeth pondering furiously on a plausible course of action, noticing the group slowly approaching Ivy he stares desperately at Darwin,


"LOUDER!" Darwin grins,

"WOOF!!!" he screams, Darwin crashes his heel into Lingyun's skull chuckling manaically as he undoes his zipper and takes a piss on him, he turns around walking towards Ivy and picking her up,

"Leave her" Tobi calls, 

"You have more pressing matters" he nods towards Duke, Tobi leaves Darwin be in an instant, the latter slowly sauntering away with one final statement,

"I'd have saved her anyway, not like i could afford not to" he sneers mockingly.


"I see" the man behind shrouded veils speaks, "it's a perfect plan, help the intruders break up the third affiliate, i'd hoped her father would help us penetrate the chinese market, it appears i was wrong, they've become a burden, Darwin, do what you need too but protect the girl, i don't want a war" the young man states,

"Understood" Darwin replies pulling out his earphone.

      "Have you heared?" Jhon questions,

"Heared what?" Vin retorts,

"That kid really went and broke your record" Jhon chuckles,

"What kid?" 

"The one you sent to Juvie" Jhon muses,

"How many?"

"Eight-hundred inmates a day, a blood pattern stretching ten feet higher, the national Juvie's blood wall has been re made" Jhon states, "I'd like front row tickets to the next fight please" he sings,

"It'll end much the same" Vin replies, (Though i cannot lie, i am excited, till next we meet...Duke Wade!).

       Raven's eyes snap open, a void, steam suffles out his mouth, he raises himself from his layed position, wordlessly he makes his way towards Raven's little body's location, wordlessly he blurs through the streets, his 'Force' arts empowered.

Daryun groans, despite his enhanced breaking as a Shifter he makes his way down the endless flight of stairs, the club had long been cleared out, walking out of the door leading out if the stairway area he comes across the door to the room he'd held his interview, Daryun pushes the door open, his eyes widen in suprise, inhaling he becomes certain they had something to do with that, the substance that eventually led to his mothers insanity, despite pain racking his body he groans empowering himself with 'Force', he blasts of towards his given destination, his given destination?, The parking lot.

Raven arrives at the scene as his feet crash against the asphalt flooring shattering splintering and rending the ground in and around him, silence, dead silence, Darwin frowns, he'd felt it, as prey would he could tell, right here right now he'd never win, and so did Tobi, James and co who come running with the former carrying Duke and Raven in tow after the sound of the commotion, the sheer pressure threatening to bring them to heel, Daryun blasts into the ground before Raven seconds after,

"Where is he?, Lingyun!" He bellows, Raven's head tilts up and in a flash his feet whips into Daryun's ribs shattering three bones, Darwin presses froward with Tobi James and co close behind, all with one thought in mind,


{It's getting worse, at this rate Raven might not make a year} Silver ponders silently,

Daryun screams willing away his pain as he locks Raven from behind with Darwin and Tobi up high with their fists cocked, Raven locks one leg again ground, empowers himself with 'Force', ignites his Enforcer Striker and Defense technique, takes the impact of Darwin's momentarily closer blow with the back of his heel then blurs out of sight as he spins horizontally using each leg to strike the opposite opponent sending Daryun and Darwin crashing back, Raven's body contorts dodging Tobi's shockwave fist by a hair's breadth, he grabs onto his head balancing himself with a palm cupped upon his head, he kicks down against his skull flooring the giant, James's hesitance to attack is heated away and in a flash he crashes his pole against Ravens guard,

"WAKE UP!!" he roars just as Raven nicks him with a toe as he allowed momentum carries him back, he backflips unto his feet crouching as his knees find strength, lino and Duke strike, the latter going low for an upper cut the former going even lower for a heel kick, Raven with exquisite timing floats over the kick as he twists inhumanly as Duke's empowered fist flies pass, Darwin follows his from behind, his Striker technique empowered, a heavy blow aims toward's Raven's chest, the latter cups it, the resulting force raising him upward, in a flash a blade like  hand is stretched forward to the tip of Darwin's nose, in a flash an inch of a punch crashes into his face,

(KILL HIM!!, WE HAVE TO KILL HIM!!!) the group excluding James ponder, Raven raises for a down kick when Daryun barrels him against a pillar, Raven's guard holds but Tobi follows with a shock wave fust to the jaw, Daryun's head cracks back, Raven release him as shield executing a one inch punch at Tobi's face, Raven moves to Press forward when Duke barrels shoulder fist into him, James, Lino and Darwin empower their striker techniques striking Raven as Duke attempts to dodge, Raven holds him by the collar bone crushing it to dust between his fingers as the Strikers rend Duke's flesh apart,

"DUKE!" they roar pressing to attack as Raven toses his limp body aside, Raven pushes of the destroyed ground losing balance when Daryun stretches to trip him, Tobi pushes every ounce of 'Force' left in his weary body not minding his hands rending from the bones up, his strike shatters the sound barrier, Raven ignites all three 'Force' arts pushing copious amounts of 'Force' into his heel as he picks momentum spinning horizontally in mid air as his knee finds jaw shattering it with the blow, Tobi drops unconscious, Lino atracks with a fist but a blur of a counter and a millisecond latter his  body is embedded into the destroyed pillar skull first, Darwin chuckles madly as he stares at the carnage before him,

(We're dead), James and Darwin give space, each rapidly approaching their bodies limits, the constant pump of 'Force' draining away their strength, even with their superhuman bodies, the next round of this massacre, had just begun!