Speeding down the dull rural streets of Belgrade, the driver and man seated to his passenger survey the streets intent on uncovering any potential danger or counter surveillance, arriving at their destination momentarily.

A huge complex of buildings stands before them,

"Roger" an auburn haired girl calls exiting the passenger seat with her friends behind, "we can defend ourselves, let us follow you up",

"Unfortunate i cannot permit that" Roger replies sternly,

"Don't worry so much about the old man's orders, you..." She turns to the man in the black suit, "you'll keep quiet about this won't you?" She questions, the man remains unresponsive.

"Your father's desire aside, i could not in good faith allow you to face danger, especially one if unknown natures, please return to the comfort of the car, allow me to handle this" Roger instructs,


"Amy, we'd only be a hindrance" Maya calls,

"Let the man do his job" Laura follows,

"Be safe" Amy states shooting the man a worried smile,

"I promise" he states giving a fatherly smile in reply.

Roger steps into the building with unguarded steps, his senses having since expanded to encompass the entirety of the complex's structure, 

(As I'd assumed, leaving an ATTUNEMENT level combatant here would be far from ideal, the strongest of the detainers should be...) He counters a suprise kick to his jaw, his technique immaculately executed as his elbow connects with the attacker's knee and the while his free leg displaces the attacker's standing leg, his opponent is quick to their feet pressing forward with a striker empowered kick which is promptly countered, seeing this the attacker falls back giving distance as he re-surveys his opponent,

(Bone Control and 'Flow') he concludes turning to see the attacker's companion, a heavily muscles man in a black suit and shades,

(Mercenary Hall) Roger ponders.

(It seems this can be settled in simpler fashion) Roger reasons,

"Calm yourselves gentlemen, i'm here seeking the girls, there is no need for combat, (yet), we can settle this through much more amicable means..." Roger trails, "How much?" He questions further,

"They're not for sale" the lean balding man in spandex and a suit shirt replies. To this reply Roger lifts an eye brow, a smile blooming on his face,

"Would this be Kaiser's words or yours?, Or could you two possibly be deserters from the Mercenary Hall's forces?" He questions. 

At this question, the faces of the two turn grim, both enacting their 'Force' arts ready to engage,

"If you two won't give me an answer i'll kill have no option but to dispose of both of you here" Roger states baring bare his once shrouded presence, the weight of his existence alone causes the two to tense, allowing the duo the understanding of the futility of resistance,

"We aren't deserters" the lean balding middle aged man speaks, 

"We we're simply guaranteed a little more benefits from our employers should in the event of a situation similar to this occur that the girls and child be disposed of" the man replies, 

"I see, a man of little honor that MERCHANT head...well you've been relieved of your duties, your payment, my silence" Roger replies curtly, and with that Roger cut the recorder, luckily things had played to Konan and Raven's chess board. The two men waste no time, bluring out of the building and into the distance, Roger makes his way to into the building, his senses still heightened from seasonless experience, it'd pay off, an incessant beep later he flicks the record back on before bluring to lift the unconscious girls and the crying baby before bursting from the top floors window. 'Force' heeded his call as with his 'Force' art enabled he finds ground as an explosion obliterates the aged structure, 

"The boy is worse than a worm, to think he'd be so callous" Roger states, his commentary well intended for the sake of persuasive effect.

"Roger!" Amy and co call to him as they come running down to check their status,

"My God are they okay?!" She questions,

"They seem to be simply unconscious" he replies,

"It must have been easier to control them this way" Laura adds picking the by this point wailing Yerin up, rocking the dark haired girl back and forth as she sung her to sleep,

"Someone's going to make a wonderful mother" Maya teases, watching her emotional tough friend become a tomato as a certain dark haired boy flashed to mind,

"We need to move, this evidence could be the required took to change the war" Roger states holding up the recorder, a bang follows as an armour piercing round tears through air smashing the sound barrier, against Roger's skin it would leave noticeable damage, nevertheless with a Shifter of his advancements physical capabilities and healing factor it'd be a problem of little matter but against a recorder, the plastic construct was blown to bits, the executor is quick to swallow his poisoned pill, his objective complete, the bang and displacement of recorder parts frighten the girls who jump, nevertheless Roger remains calm, a simple enactment of a Pseudo Domain leaves time or rather their perception of it withing their given area slowed, warped, a result of his manipulation of 'Force'. Roger despite not able to control anothers imprinted 'Force' is adept at interference, a result similar to oil and water, two blood groups in one human body, a wall, resistance, the disguised infiltrator froze, paralyzed, 

(As I'd expected, even we have been infiltrated, MURAKAN are desperate to win this war) he ponders quickly ascertaining the impostors affiliation, (and just as desperate to cover their tracks) he muses having noticed the bomb within the imposters body.

Roger executes immaculate mastery over his control of 'Force' as he places the body into the vehicle while maintaining hold over it's faculties, 

"Get into the vehicle young miss, we mustn't dally any longer",

Roger hops into the drivers seat igniting the engine before giving a command,

"Young miss, please record the girls first then download the audio file here into your phone" he states pulling out the actual recorder, 

"Have them both delivered to Meryin with his knowledge on the matter please, i'll drop you all off at the safe house before making my way to the master" Roger states urgently as they speed past a red light and into the distance, 

"I thought we were instructed to rendevous with dad?" Amy questions as she executes her alloted task,

"I fear the masters life may be in grave danger",

"Dad's in danger?!" She questions tensely, "can't we get Alexandra to help?" She adds

"Calm yourself young miss, Alexandra us currently en route to the air port to pick your mother, notify her but given the distance it will undoubtedly fall on me to rescue the master, at the very least i can vouch for my trust in the Chief Security Officer, he will not heel until his last, as long as i make haste i should be in time to intervene" Roger replies running past another red light, the race against time, had only just begun.