Chapter #7 A Trip to California

The next Aran went to Chris's house to ask him to get ready to leave for California. They had their flight in evening at 08 00 PM. The party is tomorrow on Sunday, in the day.

Aran met Chris in his house and told them about yesterday's raid on the thug's base. Chris said " Father already told me. You could have told me beforehand and I could also come."

"I tried to call you but you phone was turned off." said Aran. Chris was very sad because of his bad luck of not being able to go and see the police department in action. However, his mood was able to lighten when he thought of the trip to California.

Both the boys went to the market to get the travel supplies and booked a car in car rental for traveling. Then they went to the airport and boarded the plane.

On the plane, Aran watched a movie while Chris took a little nap, and at approximately 11 30 PM they met Aran's family.

The next morning, Chris got the rented car and they then went to San Francisco for it was the closest city, and on to the beach. They swam a bit and then travelled to the market to buy clothes for the party and changed clothes. Then they got back in the car and went home because party was in the backlawn.

Then everyone started arriving and the party started, not a lot of people were invited and mostly were cops from the new police department of Aran's father. Aran met some people who were introduced by his father.

In the middle of party, Chris got a phone call and asked to be excused by people around him. Aran went after Chris but he had vanished. Then, Aran received a text from Chris that he was headed back to Austin and was sorry that he could not stay with him till the end of the party. He also asked him that he should visit car rental place tomorrow and extend the deadline for returning the car.

Aran tried to call him back, but had no reception and had to leave a voicemail asking what had happened. Then went back and told his father about the disappearance of Chris and he would go back the next day. Then after the party, he booked a flight for tomorrow morning and phoned the car rental about the extension.

The next morning, Jimmy dropped Aran to the airport. Aran took boarded the flight back to Austin.