
As per Mako's command, the video file was selected and started playing on the holographic screen that only he could see. It was such a surreal experience, as who would not want to have a cinema in your mind, playing movies and videos just by your thoughts?

[Video Log #003541 Playing]

The video was brought up and it instantly started playing. The first scene of the video was best described as utter chaos, dark skies, fire everywhere, the sounds of what sounded like giant cannons and guns being blasted, and people engaging in combat. The sound of metal clashing against each other and explosions resounding in a distance were continuous.

The camera which was the point of view from which Mako was viewing the video was constantly moving up and down and turning blurry at moments which indicated that the camera was attached to something or someone and that due to the constant moving, the video was so chaotic.

Since Mako was viewing the footage so close to his face, it was making him nauseous seeing the video constantly jerk back and forth and blur on different occasions as it felt like the sickness one would feel if they had motion sickness while riding a very dangerous roller coaster ride.

By observing the first twenty-something seconds of the video, it was obvious to Mako that the camera was pinned onto a person's chest, and he was running through a battlefield for his or her dear life.

After another five seconds, the video suddenly got very close to the ground which suddenly opened up just as the camera was about to hit the ground. 

It was clear that whoever was holding the camera had the Earth's ability and had just used it to dive into a cavity they had created in the ground to most probably escape from the chaos that was ensuing on the surface.

"I think we will be safe here for a while." The voice of a middle-aged man came from the video as soon as the camera became stable and was now in pitch-black darkness.

Since it was pitch black in there, Mako could only hear the audio for a couple of seconds. Sounds of heavy breathing and a thumping noise were being played for the time that Mako could only hear audio indicating that the camera was very close to the man's heart such that the camera could pick up his heavy breathing and rapid heartbeat.

Suddenly the video made glitching and muffled noises, and then suddenly a small fire erupted illuminating the small cavity that the man had dived into to save himself.

The fire revealed the face of the person who was running. He indeed was looking like a middle-aged, at the age of about 40 years old.

The fire that was illuminating him and his little cove was actually burning from his fingertips which meant that this person also possessed the Fire ability.

The man had fair skin but at the moment it was covered with filth, dirt, and debris due to running on a battlefield. He had deep wrinkles on his forehead and deep dark circles beneath his eyes.

He had dark green hair which was almost on the verge of being considered black, with a military cadet-looking haircut and a subtle beard. He was currently wearing a white lab coat and very stylish-looking spectacles.

After taking another few long deep breaths he began to speak, "Hello, if you're watching this then I am most probably dead, and you have gained access to our life's work." The man said in a hurried tone.

"The box that you have opened was the final result of three long decades of research and development that I and my colleagues have put to change the world for the better, but I regret to inform you that we have failed to do so." The man began explaining.

"A colleague within our group was secretly transferring intel to the enemy and planned to give this revolutionary technology to them once we were finished, just so he could have all the money and glory." The man brushed through a few details and quickly explained the current predicament.

After taking another deep breath and trying to calm his nerves, he continued "It is currently the year 2380. We are a private organization that operates directly under the order of the world leader, and we had been tasked with creating this technology that will revolutionize the way people gain power; however, the colleague I mentioned, decided that it would be for his benefit to sell this to the leader of Black Wings."

Another explosion sounded from the surface, shaking the walls of the tiny cove that the man was hiding in due to the intense shockwaves.

"Long story short, I and five other colleagues not including the traitor just finished the system today, and as per the intelligence provided by the World Leader, we were going to be ambushed in the next thirty minutes, by the Black Wings so they could steal the device." The man continued in a hurried voice as he knew he wasn't safe there for too long.

"My colleagues remained in the lab as a decoy and deleted every ounce of research that we had discovered so it would not fall into the wrong hands while I was tasked with running away with the only completed device."

The man seemed to be exhausted and was losing energy per minute but he kept talking, "It has been 12 hours since that incident and the Black Wings are still chasing me, so this is my final message to you, the owner of this device now."

Tears began to form in the man's eyes as he took a professional and serious expression, "My name is Lionel Grey and I have entrusted the Universal Power System to you."

"It is a super advanced artificial intelligence system created from the combined knowledge and technology of ten different worlds. We have created this device to raise a warrior that is so powerful that they can bring about peace in our as well as other worlds. You must be one of the descendants of our group as we programmed the box to only respond if a blood sample from one of our bloodlines is to come in contact with it." The man continued.

"Whether you are a part of the Grey, Lionheart, Beyla, West, Katz, or Khan family, please know that a great responsibility has been issued on your shoulders and we hope that you will make the most of the tools that we have provided you to bring a great era of peace."

As Lionel finished with his statement, the video showed him getting back on his feet as he was about to start moving again. He placed his hand on the camera which showed that he was about to cut the recording, but he suddenly stopped inches away from the camera.

Pulling his hand back, tears were visible on his face as he said his final words before the recording finished.

"And to my daughter, Amy Grey. I hope you grow up to become a fine and beautiful woman. The only thing I regret is that I wasn't there for you when you needed me the most. I'm sorry for being a such terrible father, and I hope that you can forgive me in your heart. *Sniff* Happy eleventh birthday, Sweetheart!"

[Video Log #003541 Ended]

Tears were rolling down Mako's face as he took a few minutes to digest all the information that was given in the four-minute-long video.

Mako had no idea of his family background as he lost his parents to the last war before he had any real memories of them. His grandfather had passed away long before that and so his grandmother, Amy Grey was the only family he had ever known. She was the one who raised Mako till he was fourteen years old.

So that would make Lionel Grey his great-grandfather, the one who had constructed this house. Mako never even once imagined that his family had made a huge impact on the world.

Mako rewatched the video log several more times to try and catch every single detail and to pay heavy emphasis on what his great-grandfather was entrusting him with.

According to the video, the thing that was inside his head was his great grandfather's and his friend's legacy and he had given the responsibility to Mako to use this great power to bring about peace.


Something that was sought by humanity for centuries on end, but never had they managed to achieve as there were always people who wanted to see the world burn and introduce more chaos and evil into the world.

Mako thought back to his childhood and even now when he would be bullied and treated even worse than regular standards just because he was weak and didn't have an ability, but not just him rather this was the same for every person regardless of their age, to be treated in this way.

For the longest time, Mako wanted to change things and make them better so that every type of person could co-exist in peace and harmony, but now that the opportunity presented itself Mako didn't know what to say.

To say that you will be the one to bring peace to the entire world is a massive statement that would be almost impossible to achieve. Mako didn't even know what kind of power this system held inside that was going to allow him to do this.

However, Mako knew one thing and that was that this was no way to live. So many people were cheated and left to rot with no one to be held accountable. This had to stop.

Intense determination started to well up inside him as he voiced out, "I don't think I am the ideal person to be carrying out your will, Lionel Grey; however, your blood does run through my veins. You sacrificed everything in the hopes that your future generation could use it to better the world for everyone."

"Although it will be quite tough and I don't know if I will ever be able to achieve it, know that your daughter didn't raise a coward. I will try to the best of my ability to try and understand your legacy and make your sacrifices worth it. Watch over me!" He exclaimed as he accepted the responsibility that his great-grandfather had given him.

After Mako made that statement, he slowly got back up again and decided to leave the secret room and move back towards his bathroom from where he had come.

Before leaving though, Mako grabbed everything that was placed in the little room as he didn't know if they were valuable or not, but since they were kept in the same chamber as the system, he decided to think the latter and picked everything before finally making his way back out of the secret passage.

When Mako made his way out of the secret door, he noticed sunlight coming through the bathroom window, which meant that Mako had spent around 10-12 hours in the secret chamber; mostly being knocked out due to the integration of the system inside his body.

His great-grandfather had made such a rushed video that many key details were not mentioned while some were very broadly mentioned which left Mako thinking that there must be some way to access all the other audio or video logs that may be stored inside the system to better understand how it works.

"I can worry about that later, but first I better make some breakfast. My stomach is killing me." Mako voiced out as he decided to put these worries in the back of his head and deal with things one at a time.

Mako quickly washed his face and body as he was covered in dust and dirt from being knocked out in the chamber, and made his way to the kitchen to fix himself a small breakfast, but as soon as he was about to reach for the fridge; he suddenly heard a ping go off in his head.


[A New Daily Quest has been issued]


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